Fantasy & Horror Apparel
6 Collections 36 Designs
Get Your Monstre On!
Artist & Designer
Mark Levine
Initially, my artwork was not envisioned to be part of an extended apparel line and become part of the designs of MonstreThreads. In fact, I created the art for the sake of pure enjoyment as I mastered techniques and developed a few painting and drawing styles. Some of the artwork included in MonstreThreads did originate from other commercial projects and was added to the collections as they held some significance to me as I considered the six collections that make up the MonstreThreads collection. Fantasy, Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Steampunk, and Halloween is my collection segments as they best represent my body of work that started in the 1970’s and continues to grow.
I work in a wide variety of mixed mediums as they are applied to conventional drawing and painting methods. Today most images end up “digitally remastered”. My intent in using software is not to totally recreate an image as a digital painting-but to use the software as another way of adding “mixed media” to an image.
My formal education of five years was spent with three different colleges as I majored in commercial art, painting, printmaking and illustration. I enjoy graphic design, so I merged my illustration abilities with my skills as a graphic designer which launched a career as an art director. As an accomplished illustrator for a wide variety of publishers, companies, and industries, my artwork has been published for catalog covers, comic books, magazines, advertising, editorials, and packaging. In addition to my success in the graphic arts, I have also exhibited in art shows and galleries. Additionally, I have self-published my own books, and an on line comic book, “Cold Cuts” in addition to a coloring book “MonstrePieces,” and a deck of playing cards, “MonstrePlay.”
Visit: bloodbytes.com and explore my portfolios and gallery for an in depth view of my artwork spanning 40 years of illustrations of the fantastic and scary.